Product Analytic
AI chat with digital celebrities, fictional characters and twins of real people.
We are seeking a qualified candidate for the Product Analytics position with the following qualifications:
- Experience: 2+ years of practical experience as a product analyst strictly within mobile app industry
- Statistical proficiency: strong knowledge of mathematical statistics and probability theory.
- A/B testing: demonstrated experience in planning, executing, and analyzing A/B tests and experiments.
- Data visualization: proficiency in developing informative data visualizations to aid in decision-making processes.
- Skills: strong understanding of relational databases and proficiency in SQL and Python
- User behavior analysis: ability to discern the actions of real users from data metrics and articulate the reasons behind changes in user behavior.
- Proactive problem-solving: proven ability to take a proactive approach to problem-solving, including independently assessing situations, asking the right questions, gathering relevant information, and deriving insights to facilitate optimal decision-making.

Setting up dashboards for product funnels and experiments
Automation and analysis of A/B tests
User analysis, insight discovery
Determining the impact of user acquisition and product on metrics
Work with product managers and UA specialists